Tuesday, June 27, 2006


In a preliminary trial to determine if Adam could uniquely change the brainwave activity of a target person we obtained full EEG recordings under four conditions. The first was when Adam was not in the same room with the target person. The second and forth recordings were when Adam was in the same room as the target person but he was inactive. The third and critical EEG recording was when Adam was focusing his energy on the target person. The topographic representations of the brainwave activity for the third condition is shown above. Basically the data reveals that there were no remarkable changes when Adam was not active but there was a very specific increase in Theta (3-7 cycles per second) brainwave amplitude in the frontal brain regions when Adam directed his energy toward the target person at a distance of several feet away. This data is interesting and certainly indicates that further study of the healing phenomena is warranted. More test are planned over the next couple of weeks. Further information can be found on the Dreamhealer

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dream Healer Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

What is a quantum hologram?
A quantum hologram is what Adam sees when he connects to an individual's energetic system. It can consist of many different layers such as skeletal-muscular view; the bodies organs; nervous system and different magnifications on these views.

From http://www.dreamhealer.com/faq.htm

Excerpt From Book "Path of the DreamHealer"

Origin of the Universe

According to the Big Bang theory, the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe, the universe was created sometime between ten billion and twenty billion years ago when a cosmic explosion hurled matter in all directions. Because of this, we are all energetically connected as one. We all have access to all of the knowledge in the universe; that knowledge is in the form of energy. This means we can access the information needed for healing. We do this through our intuition and intentions. The “library” of this universal knowledge is commonly referred to as “the field.”

From http://www.dreamhealer.com/science_page.htm

Adam DreamHealer™ Testimonial

Just to let you know that I thought this weekend in Calgary was incredible. It was worth the 7 hour drive to get there!! While I wasn't there for any particular ailment, I got so much out of the workshop. I was able to see my aura this weekend and that was so exciting because I haven't been able to see it in the past. During the treatments I felt intense tingling in both my hands and feet and felt a sense of calmness and peace. I also felt like someone was stroking the left side of my head throughout the second workshop. It was very soothing. I talked to you later at the book signing about my broken left foot and what to do with it. I broke it in early February and it is taking a long time to heal. I started doing the visualization that you encouraged me to, and I know that will take care of it. Thank you so much for your gift and your willingness to share that gift with people.
More at the Dream Healer website

my ailments have disappeared

Hi Adam, My husband and I were at your healing session in Toronto on April 30, 2004. Since then all of my ailments have disappeared. I had Arthritis in my knees, IBS and High blood pressure. My blood pressure is lower now than it was in my 20's (128/80). I no longer take stool softener and I used to take approximately six capsules a day for the last year. Lastly I've been running up and down the stairs kneeling and doing all kinds of gardening with out any knee pain at all. We'd love to attend another healing session.

More at the Dream Healer website

Monday, June 19, 2006

My pain is lessening

Dear Adam,
I have just returned from Vancouver Valentines Day workshop and I am looking forward to the next one. My pain is lessening and I can walk up and down the stairs without assistance. The brain fog is gone, what a blessing you are. I haven't felt this good in many years. I am so grateful to you. Words cannot express my gratitude. Keep up the good work Adam dreamhealer.

More at the Dream Healer website

Friday, June 16, 2006

Adam DreamHealer™ Testimonial

Another fellow from New York, who was involved in a bad car accident many years ago, has had very little help from conventional medicine. After several treatments he sent me the following message: "I am amazed by the first treatment when I experienced significant improvement in focus and concentration. In my opinion you are one of the most precise healers compared to all the people with healing abilities, I have met through out the world. Everything looks great and the changes feel like they are permanent.
-Overall I feel much better (calmed down); -No headaches since we started treatments
-No more stomach aches; -Digestive system works much better
More at the Dream Healer website.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

DreamHealer - Open Minds beware of debunkers who insist on their own meaning of "proof", but in the name of "science"!

In today's world many are at a level of intellectualism that has roots in the Newtonian paradigm, where the simple laws of cause and effect stand and of which most of modern science is based on.

It is said that everything in the manifest world comes from the non-linear, unmanifest "field" of which all creation is born and evolving at the same "time". This non-linear dimension if you will is what baffles many Quantum Physicists and others when conclusions are drawn such that "the consciousness of the observer" affects the experiment itself.

The above statement says a lot when considering any modern day "linear" scientific tests that are performed on phenomena that are occurring of their own in the "non-linear" dimension and in "context" of other conditions such as "intent" that may result in a healing. Such an experiment, for instance, performed on a healer such as Adam must be carefully considered and deployed to insure that the proper measures are being taken into consideration.

Simply put, many of today's measuring instruments and experimenters (read their "level of consciousness") are not equipped to measure that which has its source in the "non-linear" dimension. We became able to measure radio waves and other "invisible" energy fields, and we are slowly emerging the capability to measure subtle "healing" energy such as that which affects brain wave states.

As the saying goes, "You can't measure ghosts with a Geiger Counter", so we must be sure to have the proper experimental conditions. And, considering the Heisenberg / Uncertainty Principle, what the person holds in consciousness that is conducting the experiment can actually affect the outcome, wow! So in the future as experiments are conducted on subtle energy careful consideration should be made as to who the actual person is that is conducting the experiment in the first place and their intent!

That is why any hard lined skeptic that holds his positionality so strongly on an experiential viewpoint will most certainly obtain consistent results which will continue to bind him to his current, debunking belief system.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Theta Waves

June 06,2006 Adam was involved in a brain mapping study. The results are presently being analyzed but preliminarily it looks very exciting. A local neuro psychologist placed the brain mapping equipment on the head of a female participant. Readings were taken with Adam in another room not connecting; in the same room not connecting; in the same room and connecting telepathically as he does when he does his treatments; finally there were readings taken after Adam left the room.
There was a significant increase in high amplitude theta waves only when Adam connected. This was recorded in the left prefrontal cortex. It is only a first test and we plan to experiment more. This is all very exciting stuff as we are always trying to find scientific proof.
The Shamanic State of Consciousness, which is theta brainwaves, allows us to journey into the higher planes. The steady-rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one-half times per second (theta waves are 4-7 cps) is the key to transporting a shaman into the deepest part of his or her Shamanic trance. The constant and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and other listeners into realms of blissful meditation also follow this rhythm.

Theta waves have also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows us to connect with our creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences. Through theta wave meditation, we can open our Third Eye and access the delta waves that unite us with Universal Energy and Cosmic Consciousness.

The Theta state is where intuition comes, instantaneous healings occur and accelerated learning occurs. Einstein trained himself to spend many hours in that state. It is where you feel one with All.

Adam DreamHealer™ Testimonial

Here's a testimonial from a lady who had a chronic viral condition: "Thank you so much for the healing work you have done on me. Words cannot describe what you have done for me in such a short amount of time. In just a few days my infection has cleared up and I feel so much better. I have suffered for a long time with a lot of pain (14 years). I don't know how you are able to do what you do, but you are a very special person who will make a big difference in people's lives. I have been to other "Healers" and some are very famous ones. No one has been able to alleviate my condition like you have. I am so grateful you were able to spend time on me.
More at the Dream Healer website

Adam DreamHealer™ Testimonial

Greetings Adam A quick email here from Carol. It is absolutely pouring buckets of rain today and on most day, when I use to have, (note I said use to have) F.M. I would be in agony with pain and filled with painkillers and flat on my back in bed. I am most pleased to tell u I have not had one little pain at all! As I said, nothing since June and I do believe I am healed. Kindest regards, Carol
More at the Dream Healer website

Adam passes scientific test

June 06,2006 Adam was involved in a brain mapping study. The results is presently being analyzed but preliminarily it looks very exciting. A local neuro psychologist placed the brain mapping equipment on the head of a female participant. Readings were taken with Adam in another room not connecting; in the same room not connecting; in the same room and connecting telepathically as he does when he does his treatments; finally there were readings taken after Adam left the room.
There was a significant increase in high amplitude theta waves only when Adam connected. This was recorded in the left prefrontal cortex. It is only a first test and we plan to experiment more. Once we have further results from this study we will publish them as we are sure the debunkers are anxious to have proof that Adam is actulally making a connection. This is all very exciting stuff as we are always trying to find scientific proof.

Monday, June 12, 2006

DreamHealer Books Testimonial

Dreamhealer ( Dream Healer )
After reading his first book and attending one of his workshops, I remember chatting with like minded friends and sharing the information (to the best of my ability) and coming to this conclusion: Adam has successfully brought together concepts of Religion and Science. We no longer have a conflict of ideas or theories. I realize that not everyone will agree, but I think this third book will help so many religious people understand another view of \"spirits\" and God with energy and orbs and the \"simple\" fact that \"Love\" makes the world go around. Science is not this cold concept, it is about love too!


Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Dreamhealer ( Dream Healer )
I wanted to share an unexpected testimonial with y'all. I have been very busy caring for my mom. She is almost 84 and has dementia, among other things. She was in the hospital last month for medications adjustments and fell while in there. She got a fracture just below the ball on the top of her femur. They did surgery and put in 4 long screws. Afterwards, she wasn't doing well and it seemed that this may be the end of her mobility and will to live.
I have been so exhausted the past month that have barely had time to work on my own healing. Then last weekend I took my DVD player in and played Adam's DVD. While it played, I concentrated on sending healing energy her way while I rubbed her back and neck, hands and arms. She would pay attention for a few moments, then her mind wandered. I would try to bring her back to the DVD, but the distractions were frequent. But the amazing thing was as the DVD played, her moments of calm expanded.
Then two days later she was up and participating in P.T. and on the 3rd day, she was walking over 50 feet. Today (4th after Adam's DVD), she offered that she is picturing healing her bone and her plans to get stronger. This was pretty amazing in itself as her moments of lucidity have been rare and minimal. But today she was sitting straighter, feeding herself (her appetite greatly improved), and expressing a strong determination to start working on mending herself. When I tried to ask her questions about the DVD or her words, she was not able to stay on the subject. But I have to tell you her turn around in just a couple days was truly amazing. Thank you again.

Dreamhealer workshop testimonial

Dreamhealer ( Dream Healer )
I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop on Saturday - I attended the one in November and saw quite a difference in the two sessions -
I also find I get emotional (both November and March just
before the morning healing session)
I believe I am healthy (I have some digestive problems but to my knowledge nothing too serious)
and so during both healings I held the intention and thought that
1) God knew what I had need of
2) Anything that needed to be released be released

After leaving the workshop - I got home and was quite ill
for the next 24 hours - so cancelled my evening plans
and just allowed whatever needed to be released be done
so - I also knew I was to release physical belongings and I
was guided to what I was to release so thank you for
the workshop - I look forward to the next one
I also wanted to acknowledge you as a family - it is
beautiful to see you all working together
so Frank, Liz, Adam and Sarah - love and blessings to
you all.................................
Thank you for all the amazing work you are doing

Adam Dreamhealer™

Dreamhealer ( Dream Healer )
Hello Adam and Liz and Frank. It's been 5 days since Mike saw you Adam in New Westminister and he's not tired. I got right to the point there because we're so happy and grateful. After the treatment, he slept for most of the day and woke up feeling "less tired". That was a good sign for us cuz he always gets up more tired than refreshed.
Then we said nothing for two days......just to see.
Well, on Sunday Michael suddenly turned to me and yelled, "I feel great! I haven't felt like this in so long! I'm 10 times better! Right now I feel normal tired, ready for bed tired. Not sick and tired." And the last 48 hours has brought more good stuff. Like his appetite is back. Eating every two hours like only a teenage boy can. The sickly paleness is gone, the huge black bags around his eyes are gone, the painful sensitivity to light is gone, the sadness and bewilderment are gone. When the kids at school asked him "howcome?" he was not ready to tell them about Adam so he gave no answer. But Michael wants to tell others about what he learnt last Wednesday. He's getting really good at the visualizations and aura combing. Won't go without it anymore. I do it too.
You have done it Adam. I am so grateful. Michael wants to write you but is waiting a little longer. Even if you get many many thanks from many many people I want to express my thanks as deeply as is possible on this stupid computer. Nobody else was able to help. I was getting afraid. He had this fatigue since he was about 12. We will support you and your family to all who doubt your work.
The most incredible realization came to me later the same day of the treatment. Adam, you said something about Mike's brain being hit or something. I was in a remote tiny village in the south of Italy with no proper medical care. 2 days of labour and a difficult birth. His head had been grasped by forceps and twisted and squished quite a bit. He had a squashed head when he was born. Absolutely amazing your gift. I never would have thought of it or put it together. The concussion he got in soccer a year and a half ago was simply the re-enactment of the original trauma. Wow.
I hope to meet again. In awe of your talents.........yours very sincerely, Mike's mom,